Thursday, February 22, 2018

      We live in a world, where we create the monsters and then pretend that we need protection and we are not safe anywhere. Along with that, we have developed a nature of blame when we can't fight back with our own monsters we start blaming government they are not doing their job, but are we doing our job. In "I'm a Campus Sexual Assault Activist. It's Time to Re-imagine How We Punish Sex Crimes," by Sofie Karasek in New-york times she makes an argument that it's time to push back sex crimes by sharing her personal experience and through ‘Campus sexual assault movement,' where government and educational institutes provide protection to students for save and healthy environment and to provide quick actions against the criminal.
     Doing all this is great, but every story has two different and opposite side just know there is the crime and we have to fight is one part, and the other half is in dark shadows where these crimes are born. Everyone wants to spread light but no one is interested where does darkness come from. Karasek mentions that "the University of Arizona, Mary Koss, who did groundbreaking work on campus rape in the 1980s, piloted a program called Restore that uses a framework in which the harm-doer takes responsibility for what happened and a formal plan is developed for the person to make amends and change his behavior." Past president did provide grants for such program and provided support, but current president canceled the grants for further help. We will think what kind of president is that why he did that. However, he won the majority of votes from us he is there to represent us we elected him so we do not have right to say why he did that. He did that because we supported him and helped him to reach that point.
      Things like rape or sexual assault have become a strong tree with deep roots and it will exist to its longest term until we burn down the roots. It is not about black, it is not about white or brown nor male or female. It is about the environment we have grown and live in. We are exposed to nudity in very young age now day's children have accesses to Internet and porn sites, which manipulates children to develop sexual frustration, which compiles and gets thicker by the time and later result in committing the crime like rape. Of course, cutting the tree will help but the roots will always be there until be burn them down. It will be hard but it is not impossible.

Friday, February 9, 2018

In today’s world, technology has become one of the most common gizmo for communication and storing data online, but is our data really source on internet in “Scam hijacks Google Chrome browser, tries to get your personal data” by Brooke Crothers in Foxnews he talks about scams that hijack google chrome. It starts with a fake dialog box which shows an error afterwards when you take an action against it. It triggers unresponsive reaction on computer, which cause operating system to become unstable.
After malicious code takes over your computer, it pops up a dialog box for fake warning to trick user to fall for it, and make you take to someone who pretends to be working with company and trying to help you. If they convince you to give them your passwords and even your finical information. Hijacker rob you and you give them all information without even knowing it in latterly words its called cyber-crime. For intense, if these hijackers got successful in taking down one of government computer they can take out government documents and publish them in public. Recently a hacker from Panama was successful to take down a lot of foreigner countries document which created chaos across those countries.
I would suggest reading this article to know more about scams and how they work to protect yourself and your information.